The products are delivered safely to the address to be specified by you in their special packaging together with the invoice and delivery note.

You can follow the status of your order from the order tracking page. (The delivery dates are 1–2 working days for products which are available in our inventories. For products, which are required to be produced, it is an average of 4–5 weeks, which may vary depending on the product type).

The orders are delivered to the Courier on days except Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays. The Courier does not make deliveries on Sunday and public holidays.

Please check the products you ordered by comparing the products with the delivery note during product delivery. If you think there are missing or damaged products, please have the courier officer prepare a report and do not accept the delivery.

Please notify’s order representative of the situation by using the contact us form. Your order will be delivered to you as soon as possible after the necessary investigations will be carried out. If you accept delivery of the product, you will be deemed to have accepted that the courier has duly and completely fulfilled its duty.

You can follow the status of your order on order tracking page.

If you have any questions and problems with respect to the foregoing issues, please feel free to contact us using the contact us form.